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The award winning film that was ispired by the A&B childrens book story.

Author | Spiros Gratsias: Video


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Author | Spiros Gratsias: Welcome


Spiros Gratsias was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. Spiros is an engineer, designer, artist, illustrator, screen and fiction writer. He is the screenwriter of the award-winning short film animation “Inverse” based on a story from his book Rootless Roots. He has also written the historical fiction The C Enigma published on Amazon in 2014, and his latest 2022 novel Unyielding Destiny a crime fiction. In his professional life, he was a Research and Development executive with over forty years’ experience in the aerospace and consumer goods industry. Spiros lives in Athens and the island of Naxos, Greece and devotes much of his time to painting, illustrating and writing.

Author | Spiros Gratsias: About
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“A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity”

Franz Kafka

Author | Spiros Gratsias: Quote
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Creative ideas are hidden and imprisoned everywhere around us, they yearn to be discovered and released from their bondage. When we discover them, we set them free by sketching, painting or writing their story.

Author | Spiros Gratsias: Image


When I first started writing professionally back in 2014, I would have never imagined that I’d be sitting here having completed as many books as I have, let alone one. Working on them has led to some incredibly challenging yet fabulously rewarding experiences. Check out some of my featured titles below.


MAY 2019

Destiny might be the end of you . . .
Born in the desperation of a tenement in New York City’s Little Italy, he is orphaned and adopted by the boss of a powerful NY crime family, a veteran of the Korean war, and an inmate of the hell called Alcatraz. Frank Morris’s true nature is selfless and altruistic revealing his unyielding struggle to escape the darkness of his destiny.


November 26, 2019

This is a story about the friendship between a small statue called A and a beetle called B. B is flipped on its back and cannot turn upright. A who cannot move helps in any way he can. A and B prove that friendship is a wonderful gift! This beautifully illustrated book can also be a coloring and doodle book!


FEB 2016

Spiros Gratsias' book Rootless Roots builds a multidirectional dialectic. A combination of art and words create a communication hub between reality and imagination. This means that the figurative range of every section – of every “step” in the course of the “brotherhood” which he has invented – extends by variable vectors beyond its primary narrative area. The core values of friendship, brotherhood, humanism which Gratsias' millennia old entities uphold, are not one dimensional notion but emerge out of a dialectic relationship between opposites: violence and conciliation, love and hate, understanding and delirium.This is also the case with the conscience which Gratsias' marble characters develop through the eons. Memory, debt, history are not treated as static and immutable data but, rather, as being in motion: from forgetfulness to remembrance, from personal witnessing to collective testament, from responsibility to freedom. It is just this relationship of strife that makes clearly visible the author's concerns as well as his expectations – yet another dialectic interplay in this work.But the work is constructed out of the word and out of images. That is the generative impact of Rootless roots; the relation between the visual artwork and the word. In other words, the way in which the initial visual stimulus gives birth to a world which must then find a language in which to speak.Here then is why this book takes us back to a deeper function of knowledge. First it invites us to imagine a world for ourselves. And then, to talk about it to someone else. In this manner we ourselves arrive at our true face. The face which Gratsias' entities do not possess. We may well wonder about his choice to present them to us without one.


MAY 2014

Based on actual heroes who gave their lives in order to fight the dark evil that Hitler’s Nazism represented, The C ENIGMA explores the premise that each and every one of us has the personal responsibility to fight for freedom, justice, and the forces of good. An individual’s actions can have a drastic impact on the outcome of any battle, war, or campaign.
But the story begins quietly, intimately, with a man’s rifling through hidden treasures in his grandfather’s attic. Anthropology professor Matthias Adkins discovers a picture of Nazi Germany’s lead secret service agent, and along with it a series of riddles. Armed with these few clues, Matthias sets out on a hunt through time to find out who his family really is. And in the process, he may find it’s also a journey of self-discovery that reveals a destiny previously beyond his comprehension.
This page-turner bridges decades and generations, and infiltrates secret organizations and evil cults, to weave a mysterious and compelling narrative that broadens one’s perspective regarding history and personal duty.

Author | Spiros Gratsias: Recent Books


Athens, Greece


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